Why I started this blog

and why I wish I started this blog sooner

public class HelloWorld {
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		System.out.println("Hello everyone! Sorry I'm late.");

Hello everyone! For this very first blog post I’d like to introduce myself a little bit, and then I will go over some basics of what this blog is about, what made me decide to start blogging, and what I hope to accomplish.

At the time of this writing, I have over eight years of experience in software engineering, coupled with a master’s degree in Computer Science. I have used a variety of languages and technologies over the years—mostly Java and C/C++ (and a bit of Python) as a student, C# as an intern, LAMP stack right out of college, some more of all of the above as a grad student, and then I re-transitioned back into Java to continue my career. In each of the positions I have been in, my goal has always been to become so good at what I do, that I can solve even the most difficult problems, be a reliable source of help when my teammates are stuck on something, and set an example for others to follow.

Indeed, I have been known for having strong technical skills, and my teams have greatly benefitted from this. In contrast, communication and social skills did not come naturally for me, and I’ve had to come a long way to where I am now. My hope is that this blog will enable me to:

  • fill the remaining gaps between my technical skills and soft skills.
  • become a much better writer.
  • clearly communicate my thoughts and ideas.
  • demonstrate my skills in ways that were not previously possible.
  • provide knowledge that other developers will find useful.

My passion for sharing knowledge with others is another thing that led me to create this blog. I also desire opportunities to continue my own learning and keep up with the ever-changing technologies this world has to offer. I have learned that teaching about something is a super-effective way to become an expert in the subject matter. I’ll start with topics I’m already an expert in, and then as I become more comfortable in writing, I’ll expand to less familiar topics.

I have also learned that having a blog makes a developer much more marketable. Whether I reach a point in my career where circumstances call for moving on to another opportunity, or something stupid happens and I end up losing my job, the fact that I have this blog should give me a significant advantage over my competitors. I want to be prepared for when the worst happens.

I wish I had started this blog much sooner. But hey, at least I’ve started it now. If you’re a developer and you haven’t started a blog, I encourage you to do so. It is never too late to start.

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